Dev diary: inventory and character parameters.

Published November 16, 2021

Let's touch on the parameters of the main hero in a little more detail, as well as the inventory, which you may have already seen in recent videos about the development of the game.

Redemption of the Damned (PC horror, Steam, Q2 2022). Devdiary: inventory and character parameters

The inventory (equipment) is located on the left - this is not only everything that the character has directly in his hands, but also the objects, that are in the immediate vicinity, in our case - in a backpack and on a belt.

Player can see the current body parameters and state of his character on the right side of the screen, as well as the earned reputation.

We will be grateful for your comments after you visually check the usability of the proposed inventory and how clear it is.

By the way, all November authors of the best advice/comment to our developer diaries have the opportunity to book a key to the beta-version of the game.

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